Wish Upon A
Star Princess Parties
The Most Magical Princess Parties In Norfolk, Norwich And Great Yarmouth
07500266659 or 01692 584233
9 Years Of Making Dreams Come True,
Throughout Norfolk, Norwich and Great Yarmouth
Meet Primrose The Flower Fairy !
We are so excited for spring and summertime, as Primrose the flower fairy will be flying along to parties across North Norfolk playing her harp and spreading her magical pixie dust to make your party sparkle!
Wish Upon a Star will be creating a dedicated page with more photos and special information of our beautiful Primrose very soon, but we hope in the meantime you can enjoy her enchanting harp playing !
Our website is currently going under some construction, so if you do find it a little hard to navigate you can always call us on 07500266659 to speak to us about all of characters and special party packages.
Upcoming Events
Belle's Enchanting Tea Party
Our new exciting Tale As Old As Time event at the Greenestone Pub in Dereham will be commencing on the 14th of April at 2:00pm
We would love you all to be our guests for this enchanted event with Princess Belle, where you will learn how to dance, sing and act like a fairy tale princess, along with some wonderful surprises along the way...
To enquire more information about our exciting new event, please call the Greene Stone Pub :
01362 788080
Full Address Of Location:
Greenestone Pub,
Napier Way, NR19 1FS
We can't wait to see you for making magical memories to last a life time !